I have never had a song written about me....until now! Check this out...Paul Wright (who's playing Spirit West Coast and the Road Show Event tonight at Beachpoint Church in Fountain Valley) put something together that incorporates my cat Barkley, my husband, and the fact that I recycle. And it rhymes!!! Paul is super talented, so please check out his website at http://www.paulwright.com/.
Feed the Children
These children have feet that are old and worn by the sands in Darfur. $3 will provide a pair of shoes for a child in Darfur! Click on the Feed the Children banner to the right or on our homepage to get more info and donate: www.kfsh.com You can also call 877-714-kids.
Thank you so much for helping save these children!
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: Almost 65% of grandparents say they'd like to do this the next time they visit the grandkids. What?
A: Stay in a hotel! Congrats to Rachel, who won a 4-pack of tix to the Spirit West Coast Road Show Event this Friday at Beachpoint Church in Fountain Valley. Yay!
A: Stay in a hotel! Congrats to Rachel, who won a 4-pack of tix to the Spirit West Coast Road Show Event this Friday at Beachpoint Church in Fountain Valley. Yay!
People Really Win on the Fish!
Hi Lara!
Ok, I know I should have emailed this to you about a month ago! I have been having some problems with my computer and I think I finally have them resolved... hopefully.
Anyway, this is the pic taken at the Kutless / Esterlyn concert on December 2nd. In the middle of Esterlyn are my friend, Min, and I. The concert was great! The venue was so small that no matter where we sat, it was a good seat. We chose, however, to stand right in front of the stage. The only thing between us and the bands, was a guy working security for Biola! Can you believe it?!
Thank you again for the tickets! We really enjoyed ourselves and it was such fun to get out (without 5 kids in tow!).
Have a blessed day!
Ok, I know I should have emailed this to you about a month ago! I have been having some problems with my computer and I think I finally have them resolved... hopefully.
Anyway, this is the pic taken at the Kutless / Esterlyn concert on December 2nd. In the middle of Esterlyn are my friend, Min, and I. The concert was great! The venue was so small that no matter where we sat, it was a good seat. We chose, however, to stand right in front of the stage. The only thing between us and the bands, was a guy working security for Biola! Can you believe it?!
Thank you again for the tickets! We really enjoyed ourselves and it was such fun to get out (without 5 kids in tow!).
Have a blessed day!
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: What would almost 40% of us do if we got an extra 30 minutes in our day?
A: NAP! How great would THAT be? : -) Congrats to Heidi from Anaheim, who won a family 4-pack of tix to see Bob Smiley and Paul Wright at the Spirit West Coast Road Show!
A: NAP! How great would THAT be? : -) Congrats to Heidi from Anaheim, who won a family 4-pack of tix to see Bob Smiley and Paul Wright at the Spirit West Coast Road Show!
Soothing Homeless Soles
Check out this inspiring clip of a wonderful service for the homeless: http://www.godtube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=27bdd4ebbebcb2ba10a0
Weekend Event
Just got this from Kristina:Hey, check this out! On February 2nd in the Inland Empire there will be a Christian Concert featuring Tony Melendez, who was born without arms and plays the guitar with his feet, Renee Bondi and Tom Booth. Three international entertainers with amazing life stories and accomplishments. Christian family entertainment. Two shows: 2:30pm and 7:30pm, tickets start at $25.00. Show is at Gardiner Spring Auditorium at Chaffey High School in Ontario. Proceeds will benefit religious education for children. For more information or to purchase tickets go to http://www.blogger.com/www.christianconcert.info or you can call (909) 937-9550. Don't miss out on this event! Again http://www.blogger.com/www.christianconcert.info or (909) 937-9550.
Thank you so much for your time!
Kristina White
Open Your Heart, Inc.
Thank you so much for your time!
Kristina White
Open Your Heart, Inc.
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: 30% of men admit they have CRIED while doing this. What?
A: Watching a sporting event!!! Congrats to Rudy in Long Beach, who won a family 4-pack of tix to the Spirit West Coast Road Show featuring Bob Smiley and Paul Wright (you can win tix all week at 1:15 p.m.). For more info on this fun event, click here: http://www.thefish959.com/concertcalendar.asp
A: Watching a sporting event!!! Congrats to Rudy in Long Beach, who won a family 4-pack of tix to the Spirit West Coast Road Show featuring Bob Smiley and Paul Wright (you can win tix all week at 1:15 p.m.). For more info on this fun event, click here: http://www.thefish959.com/concertcalendar.asp
Casting Crowns
(from www.castingcrowns.com)
This is Valerie's letter talking about her "Lifesong:"
On August 17, 2002 my Lifesong started; I lost my 20yr old son to an auto accident. The driver now is my ‘adopted’ son and we share our love and praise for God’s hand in our lives ever since. God helped me love and forgive when the courts asked for punishment, many lives have been touched by our testimony of ‘forgiveness’ in God’s love. Besides, one day I’ll see my son again in heaven, because of last moments. No deeper faith and love could have come except by God’s allowance to things that rip us apart, to show us His love and mercy.
This is Valerie's letter talking about her "Lifesong:"
On August 17, 2002 my Lifesong started; I lost my 20yr old son to an auto accident. The driver now is my ‘adopted’ son and we share our love and praise for God’s hand in our lives ever since. God helped me love and forgive when the courts asked for punishment, many lives have been touched by our testimony of ‘forgiveness’ in God’s love. Besides, one day I’ll see my son again in heaven, because of last moments. No deeper faith and love could have come except by God’s allowance to things that rip us apart, to show us His love and mercy.
Jeremy Camp/Let It Fade Lyrics
Have you been walking on a surface that's uncertain?Have you helped yourself to everything that's empty?You can't live this way too long.There's more than this, more than this.Have you been standing on your own feet too long?Have you been looking for a place where you belong?You can rest, you will find rest.You can rest, you will find rest.Let this old life crumble, let it fade.Let this new life offered be your saving grace. Let this old life crumble, let it fade, let it fade. Have you been holding on to what this world has offered? Have you been giving in to all these masquerades?It will be gone, forever gone.It will be gone, it will be goneLet this old life crumble, let it fade.Let this new life offered be your saving grace. Let this old life crumble, let it fade, let it fade. Let it fade.Are you carrying the weight too much?, are you running from the call?Let it fade, Oh yeah.You can rest, you will find rest.You can rest you will find rest.Let this old life crumble, let it fade.Let this new life offered be your saving grace. Let this old life crumble, let it fade, let it fade. Let this old life crumble, let it fade.Have you been standing on your own feet too long?Have you been looking for a place where you belong?
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: According to the experts, you'll spend 4 times as much at the grocery store if you bring THESE along. What?
A: The kids!!! Congrats to Edward from Irvine, who won tix to Third Day at the House of Blues. Happy Friday!
A: The kids!!! Congrats to Edward from Irvine, who won tix to Third Day at the House of Blues. Happy Friday!
Weekend Events
Click here for Calendar Gal Jodi's website: http://www.calendargal.info/Calendar.html
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: According to a recent survey, what's the #1 thing women would like to change about men?
A: We want them to LISTEN MORE! BTW, we had a B-buster awhile back that revealed the #1 thing men would like to change about women is that we would talk less, lol. :-) Congrats to Suzanne, who won tix to see Third Day at the HOB Anaheim on February 21st. Yay! More tix tomorrow at 1:15 p.m.
A: We want them to LISTEN MORE! BTW, we had a B-buster awhile back that revealed the #1 thing men would like to change about women is that we would talk less, lol. :-) Congrats to Suzanne, who won tix to see Third Day at the HOB Anaheim on February 21st. Yay! More tix tomorrow at 1:15 p.m.
Audio Adrenaline
Here's the link for more info on their wonderful children's village in Haiti: http://www.handsandfeetproject.org/index02.php
This is what my friend Jodi wrote about her son...
Today I got to show Calvin his first rainbow. It was actually right over his daycare – since it was pouring rain at our house but sunny east of that, there was a perfect double rainbow. It was just starting to cloud up when we got there, so we had to dash in so we wouldn’t get wet. I asked him if he liked it and he said “Yeah, that was fun!”
So there you go, a 3 year old view of a rainbow – FUN!
Today I got to show Calvin his first rainbow. It was actually right over his daycare – since it was pouring rain at our house but sunny east of that, there was a perfect double rainbow. It was just starting to cloud up when we got there, so we had to dash in so we wouldn’t get wet. I asked him if he liked it and he said “Yeah, that was fun!”
So there you go, a 3 year old view of a rainbow – FUN!
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: Almost 70% of men & almost 30% of women say they are BETTER at this than their significant other. What?
A: Driving!!! Congrats to Jennifer, who said that she and her hubby each think THEY'RE the better driver. She won tix to Third Day at the House of Blues Anaheim on 2/21! More tix tomorrow at 1:15 p.m.
A: Driving!!! Congrats to Jennifer, who said that she and her hubby each think THEY'RE the better driver. She won tix to Third Day at the House of Blues Anaheim on 2/21! More tix tomorrow at 1:15 p.m.
Happy Ending!
Police chip in to buy Orange resident a new wheelchair ramp! I LOVE this story! Here's the link for the article and a sweet picture: http://www.ocregister.com/news/ramp-black-orange-1964292-car-wheelchair
The World Vision child that no one wanted.

Can you believe that we didn't get a single call for this precious girl when we talked about her on the air today? Look at that face! Look at those ponytails! Brenda is 7, her b-day is July 11th, and she lives in Mexico. Your sponsorship (for $1/day) provides her with improved nutrition, adequate clothing, and educational opportunities (she's not in school right now). If you'd like to become her World Vision sponsor and get started on a life-changing relationship with her, email me at lara@thefish959.com. Thank you!!
Switchfoot Info
Switchfoot lead singer Jon Foreman has some solo cds out! Here's the link for more info: http://www.switchfoot.com/
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: Almost 55% of men said that they would be a little scared if a new girlfriend did this on Valentine's Day. What?
A: Bought them an expensive present! Congrats to Rebecca, who won tix to see Third Day at the HOB in Anaheim. We'll have more tix for you tomorrow at 1:15 p.m.
A: Bought them an expensive present! Congrats to Rebecca, who won tix to see Third Day at the HOB in Anaheim. We'll have more tix for you tomorrow at 1:15 p.m.
Writer's Strike
Just got this from my friend Kim at Bel Air Presbyterian...Care for Hollywood:Job titles don’t matter and Guild affiliations are irrelevant when it comes to feeling the practical consequences of the strike. As a result, many of us have become frustrated, worried, depressed, and even angry. Some of us are going through this alone, thinking nobody cares.“Care for Hollywood” offers shelter from the storm –a place where we can hang together, pray for one another, and hear songs and words of encouragement… while searching for practical answers along the way. All without an agenda.This is our invitation for ANY and ALL to come and be part of caring for the people in Hollywood. Join us weekly Thursdays—beginning Jan. 24th and continuing for as long as needed 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.at: Hollywood Presbyterian Church MEARS CENTER 1760 N. Gower St.,Hollywood, CA 90028(Park in lot on Carlos, then follow the signs) And please pass this invite on to your friends and associates! Hosts:Karen Covell, Kim Dorr, Barbara Nicolosi, John Tinker, JohnWierick
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: According to a recent survey, what's our favorite leisure activity?
A: We had lots of guesses of shopping, but the answer was...READING! Congrats to Letha, who won Third Day tickets! You can win tix to see them all week long at 1:15 at the Brainbuster, and you can pick which show you'd like to attend: House of Blues/West Hollywood on 2/19, or House of Blues/Anaheim on 2/21.
A: We had lots of guesses of shopping, but the answer was...READING! Congrats to Letha, who won Third Day tickets! You can win tix to see them all week long at 1:15 at the Brainbuster, and you can pick which show you'd like to attend: House of Blues/West Hollywood on 2/19, or House of Blues/Anaheim on 2/21.
Building 429
Here's the scoop on "Singing Over Me":
The song "Singing Over Me" was inspired by Zephaniah 3:17. Jason Roy explains, "I've been trying to get this verse into a song for years. It's my wife's favorite, and because I've heard it so much over the years, it has, by default, become one of my own. I couldn't get my favorite part of the verse in the song: "He will quiet you with his love." So, I figured that the implied peaceful slumber of a night when the Lord would be "singing over me with every star" would get close enough. What a thought, He will delight in you...yes YOU! How cool is that?! He also sings over us...what an amazing picture for us to remember. I can't get around the thought process that tells me, even as I sing these songs on a nightly basis, my God is doing a concert of His own over me!"
The song "Singing Over Me" was inspired by Zephaniah 3:17. Jason Roy explains, "I've been trying to get this verse into a song for years. It's my wife's favorite, and because I've heard it so much over the years, it has, by default, become one of my own. I couldn't get my favorite part of the verse in the song: "He will quiet you with his love." So, I figured that the implied peaceful slumber of a night when the Lord would be "singing over me with every star" would get close enough. What a thought, He will delight in you...yes YOU! How cool is that?! He also sings over us...what an amazing picture for us to remember. I can't get around the thought process that tells me, even as I sing these songs on a nightly basis, my God is doing a concert of His own over me!"
Snow Summit

Third Day heading to Persian Gulf
NEWS SOURCE: Provident Music Group
GRAMMY-winning and multi-platinum rock band Third Day will soon trek to the Persian Gulf and perform for service members as part of a USO/Army and Air Force Chaplains entertainment tour. On its first USO tour, the five member band will spend quality time with troops, mesmerize military audiences with high-energy performances and express their heartfelt gratitude. The band will also meet and shake hands with deployed military personnel, and share personal stories of life, family and encouragement. For more info on the tour, visit www.uso.org/whatwedo/entertainment.
GRAMMY-winning and multi-platinum rock band Third Day will soon trek to the Persian Gulf and perform for service members as part of a USO/Army and Air Force Chaplains entertainment tour. On its first USO tour, the five member band will spend quality time with troops, mesmerize military audiences with high-energy performances and express their heartfelt gratitude. The band will also meet and shake hands with deployed military personnel, and share personal stories of life, family and encouragement. For more info on the tour, visit www.uso.org/whatwedo/entertainment.
Calendar Gal
Here's our Calendar Gal Jodi's site: http://www.calendargal.info/ Check it out for some great weekend events!!!
A Natural Healing Center
Perhaps you can relate to this...in the past few years, I've started to feel like I"m "winding down." You know, kind of slow and tired and foggy. I drag myself out of bed (even after a somewhat full night of sleep), chug coffee and tea all day, sneeze constantly, and sometimes forget things (like names of friends). I've been playing a commercial for this Shannon Eggleston chick at A Natural Healing Center on my show, and I was pretty intrigued by what she said about cleansing your body and looking at food as medicine. I've really shifted to more of a "live food" diet (lots of fresh fruit, veggies, brown rice) recently, so I was hoping to hear that I'm on the right track and maybe find out how to get more energy and get rid of my allergies. Well, I met Shannon yesterday and she is awesome!!! She did this groovy muscle testing on me, and I found out that I'm allergic to corn, soy, wheat, and cow dairy (goodbye, cheese...I'll miss you), and that I've got some thyroid and adrenal issues going on. I got a natural supplement to help with my allergies, which I started today. I"m excited to incorporate all of her suggestions, but a little scared, too--the things I'm allergic to are things I crave all the time! No wonder I'm tired and always reaching for a soy latte (goodbye, soy latte...hello, rice milk latte). I'll let you know how it goes! If you'd like to get in touch with Shannon, the number is 714-928-6588, and her excellent site is http://www.ochealing.com/ There are all these articles and newsletters (full of nutrition advice) that you can check out.
Abandoned Kitty!
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: A recent study of 11-year-olds found that the more they did this, the better they did on reading and literature tests. What?
A: Text messaging!!! Congrats to Melissa, who's going to Matthew West/Jeremy Camp/TobyMac on February 9th!
A: Text messaging!!! Congrats to Melissa, who's going to Matthew West/Jeremy Camp/TobyMac on February 9th!
Casting Crowns
Here's the link to bid on their painting: http://www.castingcrowns.com/site.php?em928=190301_-1__0_~0_-1_1_2008_0_0&content=news&em3012=&em973=&em2959=
Mat Kearney Lyrics
[chorus]It's undeniable how brilliant you areIn an unreliable world you shine like a starIt's unforgettable now that we've come this farIt's unmistakable that you're undeniable
February 5th, Friday morning, purple dawnBroke a yawn, as a I stepped through the fog, like I stepped to a songA moment like a poem, you wish you could hold itI shut my eyes like it's frozen, it's gone when I openIt slipped passed the clouds right there where it lingeredLike your band and a girl could slip through your fingersMy feet hit the ground like a beat for the lonelyON a path beaten down by the crowds in the morningIf only I could touch past the phonyIf only they were there now to hold meAs the questions keep droning
You're the only one who stuck it out last nightThe only other one who caught the other lineYou're the only one when this world collidesThe one that I can't deny
It's my last year here My first class moved to portable 'a'Under construction since summerAnd it's cold todayI can see my breath, and what's left of the west parking lotAnd all the spaces that we foughtAnd it all seems forgotten, left in the bottomIn past piles of rubble, in puddles of rain waterThat hurt last night when I left like thatWhen I won't come backSpeaking my peace to the pastI can't help but wonder, who is this wind at my backA whisper to walk on, come on from all that
How am I gonna take it away in this winter windYou found me on a summer breezeHow am I gonna run away when the autom breaksNow that you found me in the springCome on and sing it out
[chorus]It's undeniable how brilliant you areIn an unreliable world you shine like a starIt's unforgettable now that we've come this farIt's unmistakable that you're undeniable
February 5th, Friday morning, purple dawnBroke a yawn, as a I stepped through the fog, like I stepped to a songA moment like a poem, you wish you could hold itI shut my eyes like it's frozen, it's gone when I openIt slipped passed the clouds right there where it lingeredLike your band and a girl could slip through your fingersMy feet hit the ground like a beat for the lonelyON a path beaten down by the crowds in the morningIf only I could touch past the phonyIf only they were there now to hold meAs the questions keep droning
You're the only one who stuck it out last nightThe only other one who caught the other lineYou're the only one when this world collidesThe one that I can't deny
It's my last year here My first class moved to portable 'a'Under construction since summerAnd it's cold todayI can see my breath, and what's left of the west parking lotAnd all the spaces that we foughtAnd it all seems forgotten, left in the bottomIn past piles of rubble, in puddles of rain waterThat hurt last night when I left like thatWhen I won't come backSpeaking my peace to the pastI can't help but wonder, who is this wind at my backA whisper to walk on, come on from all that
How am I gonna take it away in this winter windYou found me on a summer breezeHow am I gonna run away when the autom breaksNow that you found me in the springCome on and sing it out
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: Almost 40% of men say they wouldn't do this without asking their wife first, while 80% of women say they do it whenever they feel like it. What?
A: Change the thermostat! Yes, my hubby knows to ask before making it cooler, as I"m always freezing!!! Congrats to Lindsey (another cold female), who won tix to Matthew West/Jeremy Camp/TobyMac at Gibson Amphitheatre on February 9th. We'll have more tix tomorrow at 1:15 p.m.
A: Change the thermostat! Yes, my hubby knows to ask before making it cooler, as I"m always freezing!!! Congrats to Lindsey (another cold female), who won tix to Matthew West/Jeremy Camp/TobyMac at Gibson Amphitheatre on February 9th. We'll have more tix tomorrow at 1:15 p.m.
Matthew West
We're so happy he's back with a new CD! Here's the link to his myspace to read about his surgery and recovery: http://www.myspace.com/matthewwestmusic
Sponsor Maria
Maria is a World Vision child that we talked about on The Fish, but we weren't able to find a sponsor for her. Please look at her photo, listen to me describe her, and then either e-mail lara@thefish959.com or call 866-fish-959 (between 10a and 3p) to sponsor her. Thank you!
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: If ice cream is our #1 comfort food, what's #2?
A: We had lots of guesses of chips, chocolate, cheesecake, popcorn,and peanut butter, but the answer was....macaroni and cheese! Congrats to Maria, who won tix to TobyMac/Jeremy Camp on Feb. 9th at Gibson Amphitheatre. We'll have more tix tomorrow at 1:15 p.m.
A: We had lots of guesses of chips, chocolate, cheesecake, popcorn,and peanut butter, but the answer was....macaroni and cheese! Congrats to Maria, who won tix to TobyMac/Jeremy Camp on Feb. 9th at Gibson Amphitheatre. We'll have more tix tomorrow at 1:15 p.m.
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: More of these happen between the end of the holidays and Valentine's Day than any other time of year. What?
A: Breakups! The theory is that people don't like to be alone on Christmas and New Year's, but then don't want to get their significant other anything or plan anything for Feb. 14th. Congrats to Gwen from Costa Mesa, who won a pair o' tix to TobyMac/Jeremy Camp!
A: Breakups! The theory is that people don't like to be alone on Christmas and New Year's, but then don't want to get their significant other anything or plan anything for Feb. 14th. Congrats to Gwen from Costa Mesa, who won a pair o' tix to TobyMac/Jeremy Camp!
Win TobyMac and Jeremy Camp Tickets!
You can get 'em all week with the Brainbuster at 1:15 p.m. For more info on the show, go to http://kfsh.com/ConcertCalendar.asp?artistid=45767
RSJ News
NEWS SOURCE: Rebecca St. James, a Jesusfreakhideout.com report January 12, 2008
Check your local listings—the Gospel Music TV Channel—airing in more than 100 markets nationally—will feature Rebecca St. James this weekend on their great, fun new magazine show, "Kitchen Sink." The program will feature a behind-the-scenes 'all access pass' to the 'lights, camera action!' of Rebecca's lastest Nashville photo session for CCM Magazine's announcement of her as "Best Female Vocalist" in the -08 Reader's Choice Awards.
"Kitchen Sink" will premiere with the Rebecca segment tomorrow night—Saturday, January 12th at 8:00 P.M. Eastern—tune in! Repeat times—all times Eastern—will include: Saturday (12th) 11:00 P.M. Sunday (13th): 12:00 P.M., 6:00 P.M.. 11:00 P.M. Monday (14th): 10:00 A.M. Tuesday (15th) 2:00 P.M.
Tune in! Check out all the fun on GMC —Rebecca is featured on their homepage right now!
Check your local listings—the Gospel Music TV Channel—airing in more than 100 markets nationally—will feature Rebecca St. James this weekend on their great, fun new magazine show, "Kitchen Sink." The program will feature a behind-the-scenes 'all access pass' to the 'lights, camera action!' of Rebecca's lastest Nashville photo session for CCM Magazine's announcement of her as "Best Female Vocalist" in the -08 Reader's Choice Awards.
"Kitchen Sink" will premiere with the Rebecca segment tomorrow night—Saturday, January 12th at 8:00 P.M. Eastern—tune in! Repeat times—all times Eastern—will include: Saturday (12th) 11:00 P.M. Sunday (13th): 12:00 P.M., 6:00 P.M.. 11:00 P.M. Monday (14th): 10:00 A.M. Tuesday (15th) 2:00 P.M.
Tune in! Check out all the fun on GMC —Rebecca is featured on their homepage right now!
Adopt Me!

Lara's Brainbuster
Q: What do almost 35% of pet owners admit to doing when they're away from home?
A: Calling and leaving a message on the answering machine so their pet can hear their voice! Congrats to Paulette from Westminster, who won a Veggietales "Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" DVD. Don't forget that the movie is out in theatres today! :-)
A: Calling and leaving a message on the answering machine so their pet can hear their voice! Congrats to Paulette from Westminster, who won a Veggietales "Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" DVD. Don't forget that the movie is out in theatres today! :-)
World Vision
Can you survive the journey of a child? Come walk in the steps of a child affected by the AIDS crisis. The World Vision Experience is an interactive exhibit that combines stirring audio and captivating photography, transporting you into the heart of Africa. You'll see, hear, and experience stories of tragedy and triumph lived out by REAL children in AIDS-affected communities. And You'll gain a completely new perspective on the greatest humanitarian crisis of our time. Learn more: www.worldvisionexperience.org The World Vision Experience is taking place at the CRYSTAL CATHEDRAL at: 12141 Lewis Street, Garden Grove (next to the Block at Orange)
Hours: January 11th - 19th from 10 am - 6 pm
Hours: January 11th - 19th from 10 am - 6 pm
MercyMe Podcasts
You can check out lead singer Bart's podcasts ("Bartcasts") here: http://www.mercyme.org/main/
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: 40% of us say we would never take a job at a company where THIS is the case. What?
A: Our SPOUSE works there! Congrats to Julie, who would LOVE to work with her family. She won a Veggietales "Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" sing-a-long DVD!
A: Our SPOUSE works there! Congrats to Julie, who would LOVE to work with her family. She won a Veggietales "Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" sing-a-long DVD!
Social networking hub MySpace.com awarded the Jars of Clay-founded Blood:Water Mission initiative $10,000 for its work in favor of Africa's underprivileged. Each month, the site gives an Impact Award to the charity with the most votes in a particular category, including poverty relief, international development, and justice. "It is an honor to win this award," said Blood:Water founder Dan Haseltine. "The MySpace community is a fertile place to grow the seeds of justice, compassion, love and action, and to help people see that their story is ready for the chapter about how each one of us changes the world." (www.christianitytoday.com/music)
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: Almost 15% of office workers are now doing this on a pretty regular basis. What?
A: Eating lunch out of the vending machine! Congrats to Marilyn, who's had many lunches consisting of chips ad soda. She won a Veggietales "Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" DVD!
A: Eating lunch out of the vending machine! Congrats to Marilyn, who's had many lunches consisting of chips ad soda. She won a Veggietales "Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" DVD!
I'll be on Frank Pastore's show tonight around 6:25 p.m. on 99.5 KKLA! It 's another edition of From the Heart, where we share inspiring stories to enourage you. For more info, check out our blog at www.fromtheheartradio.com.
Here's the link to more info on the book I mentioned: http://www.acomplaintfreeworld.org/ It's a 3-week challenge to stop complaining, which my friend Jodi gave me. Think she was trying to tell me something??? :-)
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: What can the average man do once a week to add 3 years to his life?
A: Go to church!!! Congrats to Jim from Garden Grove, who won a Veggietales "Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" sing-a-long DVD (featuring TobyMac and Newboys).
A: Go to church!!! Congrats to Jim from Garden Grove, who won a Veggietales "Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" sing-a-long DVD (featuring TobyMac and Newboys).
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: Experts say that _____ is the #1 cause of job stress. What?
A: We had lots of guesses of co-workers and customers, but the answer was... CLUTTER! All those papers can make you feel like you can't handle your workload, so every day before leaving make a clean sweep of your work area. That way, you won't walk in the next morning and feel overwhelmed! (source: The John Tesh Radio Show, which you can hear every night at 7p on The Fish!)
A: We had lots of guesses of co-workers and customers, but the answer was... CLUTTER! All those papers can make you feel like you can't handle your workload, so every day before leaving make a clean sweep of your work area. That way, you won't walk in the next morning and feel overwhelmed! (source: The John Tesh Radio Show, which you can hear every night at 7p on The Fish!)
Her new CD is called Relentless, and it's coming out on February 12th. Yay! She'll also be touring in the spring with Monk and Neagle (we'll keep you posted on any local dates). For more on Natalie, check out www.cmcentral.com.
Here's a blog from Rebecca St. James (love her!) from www.rsjames.com: “Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it? There it is! I’m making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands.” —Isaiah 43:18, 19, The Message Often we think of new things on January 1, but God is about the business of newness far more frequently than that. God is a God of new things. Multiple times in the Psalms, David urged us to “sing to the LORD a new song.”There are many good songs already in existence. Why is God so concerned with new ones? Because they arise out of new experiences, new ways in which God has recently revealed himself in our lives. He’s not just the God who did some amazing things in our past—He’s the God who is doing some amazing things now! And since He is the Creator He knows how to invent newness in the lives of His children. He simply wants us to come to Him and ask for new times of refreshing.Recently I have been in the midst of an extended sabbatical and really focused on praying and seeking God on what this time should look like. My life is pretty mapped out—with touring, book writing, songwriting, and time spent in the studio. Sabbatical is a time of open space to approach God with open hands and heart and to say, “God, renew me, speak to me, prepare my heart for new things that you want to do in my heart and in my ministry.” I really have a sense of anticipation that God is moving me into a new “room” of my life—that I have actually been in one room for some time—and He is moving me into another space in the house of my life.I’m very excited about this coming season—that God is already opening some new doors of ministry. I’m also in this season exploring some film and acting opportunities that I have been wanting to explore for some time. It just feels to me like a season of newness and I think this sabbatical is very key to that. Ultimately, I always want to be in the center of God’s will and involved in the adventure He has for me. One has to sit and hear from God—and be still—to be sensitive to His will for what’s His best for us as He writes the story of our lives.I encourage you, my friends, on this first day of the new year --if you feel as if you are in a spiritual rut, ask yourself why. Have you allowed yourself to settle into a state of apathy or mediocrity, because the same old songs drone on in your life? All you have to do is ask, “God, what new thing do you want to bring in my life this season?” If you are willing to ask, He is willing to answer. What are you waiting for? Do it today!Blessings for the new year to come!Rebecca
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: Almost 10% of Americans are getting ready to do THIS with at least 1 of their Christmas presents. What?
A: Sell it on e-bay!!! Congrats to Peggy from Downey, who won a family 4-pack of passes to the Discovery Science Center in Santa Ana.
Have a wonderful weekend!!!
A: Sell it on e-bay!!! Congrats to Peggy from Downey, who won a family 4-pack of passes to the Discovery Science Center in Santa Ana.
Have a wonderful weekend!!!
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: If you're like a lot of Americans, why will you have a big smile on your face on June 25th, 2008?
A: You will have just finished paying off your credit card bills from Christmas! Congrats to Theresa from Whittier, who won a family 4-pack of tickets to the Discovery Science Center in Santa Ana.
A: You will have just finished paying off your credit card bills from Christmas! Congrats to Theresa from Whittier, who won a family 4-pack of tickets to the Discovery Science Center in Santa Ana.
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: When this device was first invented, it was actually used to punish people! Now, however, many of us willingly use it a few times a week. Perhaps you'll even be using it today as part of a 2008 resolution. What is it?
A: The treadmill! Congrats to Melinda from Long Beach, who won a family 4-pack of tickets to the Discovery Science Center in Santa Ana. Yay!
A: The treadmill! Congrats to Melinda from Long Beach, who won a family 4-pack of tickets to the Discovery Science Center in Santa Ana. Yay!
San Diego rock band Switchfoot raised more than $100,000 for Habitat for Humanity during co-headlining Appetite for Construction Tour with Relient K. Selling an average of 3,000 tickets per show, the band committed to donating $1 of each ticket sold to the charity. Additionally, Switchfoot wrote and performed "Rebuild" on tour, a song they're now offering for free via this link in exchange for a time or money donation to Habitat for Humanity. A new Switchfoot album is expected in late 2008. (from www.christianmusictoday.com)
Why not make a resolution to visit The Animal Rescue Site every day? By clicking on a button, you can provide food to homeless animals! www.theanimalrescuesite.com
Lara's Brainbuster
No B-buster today because of the holiday! It's back tomorrow at 1:15, and you'll have a chance to win passes to the Discovery Science Center in Santa Ana. I hope you win!!!
Happy 2008!!!
This is today's reading from www.myutmost.org, and I think it's a perfect thought to start off this beautiful new year! I pray that this is your best year yet, and that you are blessed beyond anything you can imagine. Thank you for making the Fish a part of your life, and for spending time with me each day. :-)
January 1st.
"My eager desire and hope being that I may never feel ashamed, but that now as ever I may do honour to Christ in my own person by fearless courage." Philippians 1:20 (MOFFATT)
My Utmost for His Highest. "My eager desire and hope being that I may never feel ashamed." We shall all feel very much ashamed if we do not yield to Jesus on the point He has asked us to yield to Him. Paul says - "My determination is to be my utmost for His Highest." To get there is a question of will, not of debate nor of reasoning, but a surrender of will, an absolute and irrevocable surrender on that point. An overweening consideration for ourselves is the thing that keeps us from that decision, though we put it that we are considering others. When we consider what it will cost others if we obey the call of Jesus, we tell God He does not know what our obedience will mean. Keep to the point; He does know. Shut out every other consideration and keep yourself before God for this one thing only - My Utmost for His Highest. I am determined to be absolutely and entirely for Him and for Him alone.
My Undeterredness for His Holiness. "Whether that means life or death, no matter!" (v.21.) Paul is determined that nothing shall deter him from doing exactly what God wants. God's order has to work up to a crisis in our lives because we will not heed the gentler way. He brings us to the place where He asks us to be our utmost for Him, and we begin to debate; then He produces a providential crisis where we have to decide - for or against, and from that point the "Great Divide" begins.
If the crisis has come to you on any line, surrender your will to Him absolutely and irrevocably.
January 1st.
"My eager desire and hope being that I may never feel ashamed, but that now as ever I may do honour to Christ in my own person by fearless courage." Philippians 1:20 (MOFFATT)
My Utmost for His Highest. "My eager desire and hope being that I may never feel ashamed." We shall all feel very much ashamed if we do not yield to Jesus on the point He has asked us to yield to Him. Paul says - "My determination is to be my utmost for His Highest." To get there is a question of will, not of debate nor of reasoning, but a surrender of will, an absolute and irrevocable surrender on that point. An overweening consideration for ourselves is the thing that keeps us from that decision, though we put it that we are considering others. When we consider what it will cost others if we obey the call of Jesus, we tell God He does not know what our obedience will mean. Keep to the point; He does know. Shut out every other consideration and keep yourself before God for this one thing only - My Utmost for His Highest. I am determined to be absolutely and entirely for Him and for Him alone.
My Undeterredness for His Holiness. "Whether that means life or death, no matter!" (v.21.) Paul is determined that nothing shall deter him from doing exactly what God wants. God's order has to work up to a crisis in our lives because we will not heed the gentler way. He brings us to the place where He asks us to be our utmost for Him, and we begin to debate; then He produces a providential crisis where we have to decide - for or against, and from that point the "Great Divide" begins.
If the crisis has come to you on any line, surrender your will to Him absolutely and irrevocably.
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