Happy Labor Day Weekend
I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and that you get some time to rest. :-) We'll be cleaning out our garage and catching up with some friends! What are your plans? Are you getting the last of the school supplies together for your kids? Hitting the beach? Checking out the sales at the mall? Let me know what you're doing at lara@thefish959.com. God bless!!!
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: When this food was introduced in the 1800's, it was used as medicine. You'll probably be putting it on your burger when you BBQ this weekend. What is it?
A: Ketchup! It was originally known as "extract of tomato." :-) Congrats to Patricia from Laguna Niguel, who won tix to take her granddaughter to see VeggieTales Live at Friends Church in Yorba Linda on September 21st.
A: Ketchup! It was originally known as "extract of tomato." :-) Congrats to Patricia from Laguna Niguel, who won tix to take her granddaughter to see VeggieTales Live at Friends Church in Yorba Linda on September 21st.
Back to School
Can you believe it's that time? Are you ready? One gal I talked to sent her son off to kindergarten this morning in his Spiderman backpack and matching Spiderman sneakers that light up. :-) What are your kids looking forward to about the new school year? Let me know at lara@thefish959.com.
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: Almost 35% of parents say this is the most challenging aspect of raising children. What?
A: Taking them on vacation! Congrats to Valerie in Huntington Beach, who just got back from a trip to Maui with her 5-year-old. She won a 4-pack of tix to see VeggieTales Live at Friends Church in Yorba Linda. Yay!
A: Taking them on vacation! Congrats to Valerie in Huntington Beach, who just got back from a trip to Maui with her 5-year-old. She won a 4-pack of tix to see VeggieTales Live at Friends Church in Yorba Linda. Yay!
Why does your kid rock?
How 'bout emailing me at lara@thefish959.com and bragging about your family? I love to share why your little ones are awesome on the air. Andrea called in to say that her daughter (who's going into 8th grade next week) is very sweet and sensitive, and she's going to be a mentor to some of the incoming 7th graders at her school. How cool is that? ;-)
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: According to a recent survey, what's the #1 topic women think that couples should talk about more?
A: MONEY, followed by time together, marriage, and the kids. Congrats to Marilyn in La Habra, who won a 4-pack of tix to see VeggieTales Live at Friends Church in Yorba Linda on 9/21!
A: MONEY, followed by time together, marriage, and the kids. Congrats to Marilyn in La Habra, who won a 4-pack of tix to see VeggieTales Live at Friends Church in Yorba Linda on 9/21!
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: What's the #1 item college students say they'll be taking with them when they move into a dorm?
A: We had a lot of guesses of coffee pot, but the answer was...an alarm clock (or 3!)!!! Congrats to Karen from Yorba Linda, who won a 4-pack of tix to see the VeggieTales show at Friends Church. Yay!
A: We had a lot of guesses of coffee pot, but the answer was...an alarm clock (or 3!)!!! Congrats to Karen from Yorba Linda, who won a 4-pack of tix to see the VeggieTales show at Friends Church. Yay!

This week at 1:15 p.m., play the Brainbuster to win a 4-pack of tix to see the VeggieTales live show! For more info, click here: http://www.fish959.com/Article.asp?id=851865&spid=18252
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: What will almost 70% of moms with kids in grade school do at some point over the next 2 weeks?
A: Cry! Time is flying by, the kids are growing up so fast, and I think it really hits you when you send them off to start that new grade. Congrats to Kathy in Fountain Valley, who won tix to the Women of Faith conference. It's September 5th and 6th at the Honda Center in Anaheim, and you can save $20 on tix when you mention "FISH." For all the info, check out www.womenoffaith.com.
A: Cry! Time is flying by, the kids are growing up so fast, and I think it really hits you when you send them off to start that new grade. Congrats to Kathy in Fountain Valley, who won tix to the Women of Faith conference. It's September 5th and 6th at the Honda Center in Anaheim, and you can save $20 on tix when you mention "FISH." For all the info, check out www.womenoffaith.com.
Benefit Concert Tomorrow!

We got this email from a friend...please keep Rob and his family in your prayers!
Rob Biagi is an Orange County resident and Christian Family Singer/Entertainer. He has a wife, 2 daughters and a son.This past school year, Natalie, Rob's (now) 3-year-old daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia. She's been undergoing very invasive treatments to heal this disease. So, she's been battling this disease for almost a year now and is barely growing back hair in her recent july photo on the blogs.The orginal concert was set solely for Natalie. However, shockingly, on July 1st, 2008, Rob Biagi was diagnosed with a completely different type Leukemia as well.
You may learn all about Natalie, Rob and the Biagi family by reading the heartfelt blogs written for the past year by Rob and his wife Cathleen at http://www.nataliebiagi.com/.The upcoming concert is completely non-profit donations for the Biagi family.This family survives off of Rob's Christian Family entertainment/concert ministry. He provides for them via concerts and traveling and sharing the word of God through his music.
The concert will be on August 23rd at the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, CA.
The tix can be purchased by calling the Crystal Cathedral Tix Sales office. The concert will be performed by JANA ALYRA (another O.C. based Christian Family singer). She is a good friend to Rob and his family and will be performing for them. As it stands right now, Rob Biagi (health permitting) will also perform a few songs. IF you haven't seen/heard either of these singers perform, you're in for such a wonderful family friendly concert! The Crystal Cathedral will NOT be taking ANY of the proceeds. The church has also donated it's use for no fee.All $$ will go directly to the Biagi family.
The church holds 2,000 people. LET's FILL IT with love!
Rob Biagi is an Orange County resident and Christian Family Singer/Entertainer. He has a wife, 2 daughters and a son.This past school year, Natalie, Rob's (now) 3-year-old daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia. She's been undergoing very invasive treatments to heal this disease. So, she's been battling this disease for almost a year now and is barely growing back hair in her recent july photo on the blogs.The orginal concert was set solely for Natalie. However, shockingly, on July 1st, 2008, Rob Biagi was diagnosed with a completely different type Leukemia as well.
You may learn all about Natalie, Rob and the Biagi family by reading the heartfelt blogs written for the past year by Rob and his wife Cathleen at http://www.nataliebiagi.com/.The upcoming concert is completely non-profit donations for the Biagi family.This family survives off of Rob's Christian Family entertainment/concert ministry. He provides for them via concerts and traveling and sharing the word of God through his music.
The concert will be on August 23rd at the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, CA.
The tix can be purchased by calling the Crystal Cathedral Tix Sales office. The concert will be performed by JANA ALYRA (another O.C. based Christian Family singer). She is a good friend to Rob and his family and will be performing for them. As it stands right now, Rob Biagi (health permitting) will also perform a few songs. IF you haven't seen/heard either of these singers perform, you're in for such a wonderful family friendly concert! The Crystal Cathedral will NOT be taking ANY of the proceeds. The church has also donated it's use for no fee.All $$ will go directly to the Biagi family.
The church holds 2,000 people. LET's FILL IT with love!
Why do YOU listen to The Fish?
I love to hear why you listen to The Fish! You have told us that the music brings you closer to God...that you like hearing praise and worship music while you're at work and on the 405....that you like knowing your family will only hear positive music and family-friendly things...and that the songs bring you comfort, carrying you through the bad times and the good times.
What is YOUR reason? Email and let me know: lara@thefish959.com.
Thank you for making us a part of your life. :-)
What is YOUR reason? Email and let me know: lara@thefish959.com.
Thank you for making us a part of your life. :-)
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: A recent survey found that 1 in 100 men have passed out...where?
A: We had lots of guesses of at the altar, but the answer was...in the delivery room! Congrats to Celia in Long Beach, whose brother-in-law passed out in the delivery room. : -) She won a pair of tix to the Women of Faith Conference, featuring Natalie Grant!
A: We had lots of guesses of at the altar, but the answer was...in the delivery room! Congrats to Celia in Long Beach, whose brother-in-law passed out in the delivery room. : -) She won a pair of tix to the Women of Faith Conference, featuring Natalie Grant!
Summer Memories?
What will YOU remember about the summer of 2008? Let me know at lara@thefish959.com. Donna's 16-year-old son got his first job this summer. She told me that she realized how big her baby is now as she watched him walk out the front door on his 1st day on the job with his dress shirt on a hanger. Donna advised him to remember his manners, to smile, and to be nice to everyone. Her son is a host at a restaurant, and on that 1st day he got a tip from a little girl! He held the door for her, and her dad gave her a dollar to give to him. :-)
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: In a recent survey, over 50% of families said that THIS is the 1st household expense they cut when gas prices go up and $$$ gets tight. What?
A: Cable tv! I know one family that did that, and they enjoyed NOT always having the tv on so much that when their money situation improved, they didn't go back to it! Congrats to Nancy in Buena Park, who won tix to join us at the Women of Faith conference at the Honda Center on Sept. 5th and 6th. Go to www.womenoffaith.com for more info, and save $20 when you call to get tix and mention "Fish!"
A: Cable tv! I know one family that did that, and they enjoyed NOT always having the tv on so much that when their money situation improved, they didn't go back to it! Congrats to Nancy in Buena Park, who won tix to join us at the Women of Faith conference at the Honda Center on Sept. 5th and 6th. Go to www.womenoffaith.com for more info, and save $20 when you call to get tix and mention "Fish!"
Listener Advisory Board

Have you joined yet? This is your official invitation to help us pick the songs we play, and to make this the best station possible. Click here to sign up: http://www.fish959.com/Article.asp?id=761775 Thank you!
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: A recent study found that employees could reduce work-related stress by up to 25% if they were able to do THIS in the office. What?
A: SCREAM! And if you can't do that, try listening to The Fish online at www.fish959.com. Congrats to Marcella in Lakewood, who won a pair of tix to the Women of Faith conference at the Honda Center. :-)
A: SCREAM! And if you can't do that, try listening to The Fish online at www.fish959.com. Congrats to Marcella in Lakewood, who won a pair of tix to the Women of Faith conference at the Honda Center. :-)
Women of Faith

Lara's Brainbuster
Q: According to a recenty survey, what's the #1 thing parents would like to see the airlines offer?
A: We had lots of guesses of daycare, but the answer was...a special section for parents and kids! Congrats to Rose in Placentia, who won tix to the Women of Faith Conference.
A: We had lots of guesses of daycare, but the answer was...a special section for parents and kids! Congrats to Rose in Placentia, who won tix to the Women of Faith Conference.
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: What have almost 40% of women admitted to doing right after a breakup?
A: Cutting/coloring their hair! Congrats to Selena in Lakewood, who knew the answer because she has "been there, done that!" She won a Harvest Crusade Prize Pack. Hey, join the Fish at the Harvest Crusade this weekend at Angel Stadium! Admission is free...just bring $$$ for parking. We've got full details at www.fish959.com.
A: Cutting/coloring their hair! Congrats to Selena in Lakewood, who knew the answer because she has "been there, done that!" She won a Harvest Crusade Prize Pack. Hey, join the Fish at the Harvest Crusade this weekend at Angel Stadium! Admission is free...just bring $$$ for parking. We've got full details at www.fish959.com.
World Vision

Who's on your heart today? Let me know at lara@thefish959.com. Kyle told me that his 2 1/2 year-old-son Kole is so excited about the arrival of his little sister in a few months! He asked his mom for a picture of the ultrasound, and he put it right by his bed. Every morning, Kole gets up, kisses the picture, and says, "Hi Emma!" :-)
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: Almost 5% of us have had this happen via text message. What?
A: We had lots of guesses of someone saying I love you, but the answer was....GET FIRED! Congrats to Vicky in Anaheim, who won a Harvest Crusade Prize Pack.
A: We had lots of guesses of someone saying I love you, but the answer was....GET FIRED! Congrats to Vicky in Anaheim, who won a Harvest Crusade Prize Pack.
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: Researchers have found that this condition can be contagious between humans....and dogs! What?
A: We had lots of guesses of owner and pet starting to look like each other, but the answer was....YAWNING!!!! I've found that to be contagious between human and cat in my house. Congrats to Lynn in Burbank, who won a Harvest Crusade Prize Pack. :-)
A: We had lots of guesses of owner and pet starting to look like each other, but the answer was....YAWNING!!!! I've found that to be contagious between human and cat in my house. Congrats to Lynn in Burbank, who won a Harvest Crusade Prize Pack. :-)
Harvest Crusade

Michael W. Smith and Kutless will be performing at the Harvest Crusade this weekend at Angel Stadium in Anaheim, and you can click here http://www.fish959.com/goout.asp?u=http://www.harvest.org/crusades/2008/anaheim/general-information/fact-sheet.html for the full scoop. And did I mention admission is free? Just bring 10 bux for parking!

Hawk Nelson

Lara's Brainbuster
Q: Almost 30% of kids will come home asking for WHAT after the 1st week of school?
A: A musical instrument! Guitar, flute, bass, oboe....Congrats to James, whose 2 1/2 year old son loves to play the bongos. :-) He won a Harvest Crusade Prize Pack!!!! The Harvest Crusade is THIS weekend at Angel Stadium in Anaheim, and you can find out more at http://www.fish959.com/.
A: A musical instrument! Guitar, flute, bass, oboe....Congrats to James, whose 2 1/2 year old son loves to play the bongos. :-) He won a Harvest Crusade Prize Pack!!!! The Harvest Crusade is THIS weekend at Angel Stadium in Anaheim, and you can find out more at http://www.fish959.com/.
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: Women LOVE doing this this to their husbands, but a recent survey of men reveals that they are NOT so fond of it. What?
A: Baby talk!!! I admit that I baby talk the cats and my husband, which drives him nuts. :-) Congrats to Ron, who was driving to Lake Arrowhead with his two daughters when he called in and won a 4-pack of tix to Adventure City. Congrats!!!
Listen for a new B-buster Monday at 1:15 p.m. You'll have a chance to win a Harvest Crusade Prize Pack!!! Have a wonderful weekend!
A: Baby talk!!! I admit that I baby talk the cats and my husband, which drives him nuts. :-) Congrats to Ron, who was driving to Lake Arrowhead with his two daughters when he called in and won a 4-pack of tix to Adventure City. Congrats!!!
Listen for a new B-buster Monday at 1:15 p.m. You'll have a chance to win a Harvest Crusade Prize Pack!!! Have a wonderful weekend!
Smart Dental
You need to call Dr. Samuel at Smart Dental.
In addition to his 20 years as a Cosmetic Dental Practitioner, Dr. Samuel is a pioneer in the revolutionary field of Laser Technology. Isn't that cool that they're now using lasers at the dentist? Amazing! :-)
You’ll come in for your appointment and slip into a luxurious massage chair (yippeee!!!!!). You’ll stay connected, even during your procedure, with a computer at your fingertips, so you can check your e-mail or surf the net!
Smart Dental wants to prove you’ll love the experience so much that if you schedule your regular x-ray and exam, you’ll get Zoom Teeth Whitening for LIFE, Absolutely FREE!!! That means that every 6 months when you come in for that checkup, you will leave with clean, sparkling white chompers. Now how smart is that?
Laser Dentistry and free lifetime whitening only at Smart Dental!!! Call 866-55 WHITE, and tell 'em Lara from The Fish sent you.
In addition to his 20 years as a Cosmetic Dental Practitioner, Dr. Samuel is a pioneer in the revolutionary field of Laser Technology. Isn't that cool that they're now using lasers at the dentist? Amazing! :-)
You’ll come in for your appointment and slip into a luxurious massage chair (yippeee!!!!!). You’ll stay connected, even during your procedure, with a computer at your fingertips, so you can check your e-mail or surf the net!
Smart Dental wants to prove you’ll love the experience so much that if you schedule your regular x-ray and exam, you’ll get Zoom Teeth Whitening for LIFE, Absolutely FREE!!! That means that every 6 months when you come in for that checkup, you will leave with clean, sparkling white chompers. Now how smart is that?
Laser Dentistry and free lifetime whitening only at Smart Dental!!! Call 866-55 WHITE, and tell 'em Lara from The Fish sent you.
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: What do almost 50% of adults have in their bedroom?
A: We had lots of guesses of Teddy Bear (awwwwww), but the answer was....a NIGHT LIGHT! Congrats to Dalilah from Cerritos, who was driving around with the kids and won a family 4-pack of tix to Adventure City.
A: We had lots of guesses of Teddy Bear (awwwwww), but the answer was....a NIGHT LIGHT! Congrats to Dalilah from Cerritos, who was driving around with the kids and won a family 4-pack of tix to Adventure City.
Amy Grant in Concert!!!

Lara's Brainbuster
Q: What do almost 10% of us say affects our performance at work?
A: The weather!!! Is that true for you? Are you cranky if it's raining? Happy when it's sunny? Congrats to Jane in Brea, who called in while enjoying a beautiful afternoon with her mom and kids. She won a 4-pack of tix to Adventure City! www.adventurecity.com
A: The weather!!! Is that true for you? Are you cranky if it's raining? Happy when it's sunny? Congrats to Jane in Brea, who called in while enjoying a beautiful afternoon with her mom and kids. She won a 4-pack of tix to Adventure City! www.adventurecity.com
Wedding Song

One of my friends will be walking down the aisle at her wedding this weekend to "Love Song" by Third Day. She wanted to incorporate some Christian music into her ceremony, and she knew this song was perfect after she heard me play it one day on my show. :-) Check out these lyrics:
I've heard it said that a man would climb a mountain
Just to be with the one he loves
How many times has he broken that promiseIt has never been done.
I've never climbed the highest mountain
But I walked the hill of calvary
Just to be with you
I'd do anything
There's no price I would not pay
Just to be with you
I'd give anything
I would give my life away.
I don't think there's going to be a dry eye at the wedding! What are YOUR plans for the weekend? Let us know at lara@thefish959.com.
I've heard it said that a man would climb a mountain
Just to be with the one he loves
How many times has he broken that promiseIt has never been done.
I've never climbed the highest mountain
But I walked the hill of calvary
Just to be with you
I'd do anything
There's no price I would not pay
Just to be with you
I'd give anything
I would give my life away.
I don't think there's going to be a dry eye at the wedding! What are YOUR plans for the weekend? Let us know at lara@thefish959.com.
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: 60% of parents say that doing this for their kids stresses them out, while 20% say it terrifies them! What?
A: Shopping for back-to-school! Congrats to Alejandra from LA, who won a 4-pack of tix to Adventure City. She's got 4 kids, and spends a week per kid each summer getting them stocked up for school. :-)
A: Shopping for back-to-school! Congrats to Alejandra from LA, who won a 4-pack of tix to Adventure City. She's got 4 kids, and spends a week per kid each summer getting them stocked up for school. :-)
Hold On To Jesus
Who is the female singer that sings "Hold on to Jesus"? I want to get the words to that song.
They are perfect for my granddaughter who is leaving for college for the
first time.
Hi Irene!
Thank you so much for your sweet email! The song you asked about is by Erin O'Donnell, and it's called Hold On To Jesus. Isn't it beautiful? Here are the lyrics...
You're a little piece of heaven
You're a golden ray of light
Ad I wish I could protect you
From the worries of this life
But if there's one thing I could tell you It's no matter what you do Hold to Jesus He's holding on to you
The world will try to tell you
That might is more than right
That beauty's on the outside
And being good's a losing fight
But remember what I've told you
Because the world will make you choose
Hold to Jesus
He's holding on to you
Hold on to Jesus
Cling to His love
Rest deep in His mercy
Whenever things get rough
Don't lose sight of His goodness
And don't ever doubt this truth
That when you hold on to Jesus
He's holding on to you
Hear me dear Jesus
Rock this little one to sleep
Keep her close when she's scared
And give her grace when she is weak
I know she'll stumble
But I know she'll make it through
If you hold to her just like
You said You'd do
Hold her Jesus
And she'll hold on tight to You
They are perfect for my granddaughter who is leaving for college for the
first time.
Hi Irene!
Thank you so much for your sweet email! The song you asked about is by Erin O'Donnell, and it's called Hold On To Jesus. Isn't it beautiful? Here are the lyrics...
You're a little piece of heaven
You're a golden ray of light
Ad I wish I could protect you
From the worries of this life
But if there's one thing I could tell you It's no matter what you do Hold to Jesus He's holding on to you
The world will try to tell you
That might is more than right
That beauty's on the outside
And being good's a losing fight
But remember what I've told you
Because the world will make you choose
Hold to Jesus
He's holding on to you
Hold on to Jesus
Cling to His love
Rest deep in His mercy
Whenever things get rough
Don't lose sight of His goodness
And don't ever doubt this truth
That when you hold on to Jesus
He's holding on to you
Hear me dear Jesus
Rock this little one to sleep
Keep her close when she's scared
And give her grace when she is weak
I know she'll stumble
But I know she'll make it through
If you hold to her just like
You said You'd do
Hold her Jesus
And she'll hold on tight to You
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: According to a recent survey of women, what's the #1 thing a guy should NOT bring on a honeymoon?
A: We had lots of guesses of cell phone and video games, but the answer was....his laptop! Congrats to Tammy from Bellflower, who won a 4-pack of tix to Adventure City. :-) www.adventurecity.com
A: We had lots of guesses of cell phone and video games, but the answer was....his laptop! Congrats to Tammy from Bellflower, who won a 4-pack of tix to Adventure City. :-) www.adventurecity.com
Lara's Brainbuster
Q: A recent survey asked, "What's the #1 quality of a manly man?"
A: We had tons of guesses of "He's not afraid to cry," but the answer was...."He's a great husband and father." Isn't that sweet? Congrats to Peggy from Downey, who won a 4-pack of tix to Adventure City! She's looking forward to taking her daughter before she heads back to school. http://www.adventurecity.com/
A: We had tons of guesses of "He's not afraid to cry," but the answer was...."He's a great husband and father." Isn't that sweet? Congrats to Peggy from Downey, who won a 4-pack of tix to Adventure City! She's looking forward to taking her daughter before she heads back to school. http://www.adventurecity.com/
Lasik and Stardom Contest!
Win a Customvue Lasik Procedure with Lasik Today! And star in one of their commercials on The Fish. :-) Here's the link for all the info: http://www.fish959.com/goout.asp?u=http://www.lasiktoday.com/kfshContestRules.htm
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