I read books, I took classes, but nothing prepared me for the reality of taking care of this little person. I never thought I would be so happy to be sleep-deprived! I love him so much that it scares me, and all I want is for him to be safe and happy. It's funny...my husband had the owner's manual for his car out, which is huge. And then he pointed to the discharge instructions we got from the hospital, which fit into a folder. He was like, "Do you think it's strange that the car comes with more instructions than the baby?!" We are just trying to take it one day at a time and enjoy every minute.
There have been so many wonderful moments so far...I thought Dallas was smiling at me the other day, and then my mom-in-law said, "It's just gas," lol. We also have taken two very short walks while I wore him in a sling. And he loves his little swing! He usually passes out as soon as we put him in.
We have so much to give thanks for this year! I hope that you have a joyous Thanksgiving, and that you are surrounded by your family and friends and lots of love.