Garth being interviewed in front of the house he's lived in his whole life. He's since received a beautiful new Food for the Poor house!!! Praise God!!!

Hanging with some friends I made in Jamaica!

$2600 builds a safe, secure house like this. 866-433-hope (4673)

The face of poverty in Jamaica: A single mom with a few young children.

A "bathroom." It is just a hole in the ground surrounded by metal from privacy.

The balloons were a big hit! We're standing in the doorway of the library in a village that FFP has built. The kids were so excited to have books to read!

A "kitchen." Most families simply have a pot or kettle and a firepit that they use to prepare meals.

Please help! 866-433-hope (4673), or click the button on the homepage at
www.kfsh.com. Thank you!