Bart Millard's (he's MercyMe's lead singer) baby girl Sophie has been having some life-threatening health problems. Please keep Sophie and the whole family in your prayers! It looks like she is recovering...this is from Bart's latest blog at http://www.mercyme.org/:
What a difference a day makes! This morning it was truly touch and go with Sophie’s breathing, and tonight they are already considering putting her into a normal room because she has made a complete turn around. Praise God!
What a difference a day makes! This morning it was truly touch and go with Sophie’s breathing, and tonight they are already considering putting her into a normal room because she has made a complete turn around. Praise God!
Apparently being large has its perks! Fortunately, Sophie gets her girth from her mother, rather than having a girlish figure like her dad…(not sure why Shannon is laughing hysterically as I type this.) Anyway, they said that due to Sophie being bigger and stronger for her age, she was able to put up with junk where most whimpier babies would throw in the towel. So hear this all whimpy babies of the world! Sophie’s coming for you…wait sorry…that makes no sense. Anywho Sophie is doing much, much, much better and, Lord willing, we could possibly be home by the end of the week.
I cannot possibly express how greatful we are for the bazillion prayers that went up on Sophie’s behalf. We were in tears most of the day reading everyone’s comments. Thank you, thank you thank you. God is good!
Please continue to pray for her safe recovery
Amazed by Him,