And here is the bee-yoo-tee-full Sarah Kelly, who rocked the house last night! I love her music, but I love what she shares between the songs just as much. She speaks with such transparency about the hard times she has endured, and gives all the glory to God for bringing her through. She's in the middle between yours truly and my friend Jackie.
Sarah Kelly Show
THANK YOU for joining us last night at Capo Calvary for Sarah's show! You SHOWED THE LOVE in a HUGE way by bringing enough canned food for Feed the Children/Orange County Rescue Mission ( to fill up several GIANT trash bins.

And here is the bee-yoo-tee-full Sarah Kelly, who rocked the house last night! I love her music, but I love what she shares between the songs just as much. She speaks with such transparency about the hard times she has endured, and gives all the glory to God for bringing her through. She's in the middle between yours truly and my friend Jackie.
And here is the bee-yoo-tee-full Sarah Kelly, who rocked the house last night! I love her music, but I love what she shares between the songs just as much. She speaks with such transparency about the hard times she has endured, and gives all the glory to God for bringing her through. She's in the middle between yours truly and my friend Jackie.