Q: While men do this less than 10 times a day (on average), women do it about 60! What?
Hint: It's written all over your face. When you hear me give the B-buster on the air at 1:15 p.m., call you answer in to 1-866-FISH-959. The first caller with the correct answer wins a pair of tix to see Third Day, Brandon Heath, and Revive on May 1st at Crossroads Church in Corona!
A: SMILE! Maybe a lot of guys are going for the strong, silent, mysterious presentation? :-) Congrats to Andrea, who was on her way to volunteer in her kids' classroom when she won.
Hint: It's written all over your face. When you hear me give the B-buster on the air at 1:15 p.m., call you answer in to 1-866-FISH-959. The first caller with the correct answer wins a pair of tix to see Third Day, Brandon Heath, and Revive on May 1st at Crossroads Church in Corona!
A: SMILE! Maybe a lot of guys are going for the strong, silent, mysterious presentation? :-) Congrats to Andrea, who was on her way to volunteer in her kids' classroom when she won.