Q: Almost 30% of adults say this is their most painful memory from school! What is it?
When you hear me give the B-buster on the air at 1:15 p.m., CALL your guess in to 1-866-Fish-959. If you're the first one to answer correctly, you win a family 4-pack of tix to Adventure City, the little theme park that's BIG on family fun. :-) Here's the link for more info:
A: GYM CLASS!!! Congrats to Nikki in Anaheim, whose 6-year-old grandson loves Adventure City. I"ll have more tix for you tomorrow at 1:15!
When you hear me give the B-buster on the air at 1:15 p.m., CALL your guess in to 1-866-Fish-959. If you're the first one to answer correctly, you win a family 4-pack of tix to Adventure City, the little theme park that's BIG on family fun. :-) Here's the link for more info:
A: GYM CLASS!!! Congrats to Nikki in Anaheim, whose 6-year-old grandson loves Adventure City. I"ll have more tix for you tomorrow at 1:15!