My heart broke whenI read this...please keep Jeremy and his family in your prayers.
The Christian Post is reporting today that Jeremy Camp and his wife Adrienne have some sad news to share with their fans.
The Christian Post is reporting today that Jeremy Camp and his wife Adrienne have some sad news to share with their fans.
Adrienne was three months pregnant and at a regular doctor’s appointment last Thursday the doctors couldn’t find the baby’s heart beat. The doctors sent her for an ultra sound where they learned the sad news that the baby’s heart had stopped a week earlier.
In a blog entry on Friday Adrienne went on to talk about this sad news:
Hi Everyone.
We have sad news to share with you.
As some of you may know from my twitter it was our baby check up yesterday.I went in and they could not find the baby’s heart beat. This is could be normal at my stage, but they sent me to have an ultrasound, from which we learned that our precious little one’s heart had stopped a week earlier and has gone to be with Jesus.
It was a hard day for us yesterday, but Praise the Lord Jeremy was home and he has been such a rock for me. God has overwhelmed us with His love and peace. We know He is faithful and don’t doubt for a minute that He is in control.We are so thankful for the hope we have in Christ. We had an amazing time reading scripture together this morning and just sharing what God has done and all that He is doing in our lives.
We know we are very blessed to have our two sweet little girls.
Please pray that our eyes will continue to stay on Him. Also for my body to heal quickly.