Lara Scott



What songs inspire, encourage and comfort YOU?  Let us know at  We love to hear how God has used music to touch you, and will try to play your song for you.  We heard from a gal who got in the car after getting some bad news from the doctor, and when she turned on The Fish she heard "What Faith Can Do" from Kutless, which was exactly what she needed at that moment.

Fish Artist Lincoln Brewster's 5-year-old son, Liam, told him the cutest thing.  He said, I love you and mommy more than anything in the whole world, except God.  That's in the Ten Commandments.  :-)

What do you say to a child who feels that their life has no value?  What do you say to a child who thinks that going hungry is normal, drinking dirty water is normal, has never had a pair of shoes or a visit to the doctor and will most likely never learn how to read or write?  I"m not sure there is much we can say, but we can do something!  There is hope for children like Royd in Zambia, and that hope comes in the form of a World Vision sponsorship.  Is changing his life worth $1/day to you?  You can see Royd's pic and read his bio when you click the World Vision banner at (he is 8 years old).  I know that sponsoring is not for everyone, so if it's not for you, please pray that the right sponsor will find their way to this precious little boy.  Thank you so much!