That was the title of the sermon at church last Sunday--I snuck out of the house for about 45 minutes before running home to Dallas. I wanted to scream "Amen" throughout the whole thing, because my life is a complete mess right now...but I love it. And it was a great reminder that God is able to reach into our mess and give us the peace of Jesus, no matter what is going on. For me, it's been a big adjustment to go from Type A career gal to mom, especially because I still feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. But I do know that I love this little guy like crazy, and that I could look at his face forever and never doing anything else. He's a month old tomorrow--I can't believe it! He has discovered his hands, has started cooing, and likes to stick out his tongue. He also likes to check himself out in the mirror. :-)
Are you ready for Christmas? We got a tree last weekend, which we will decorate on Saturday, and have done all of our shopping online this year. I hope that YOU have peace right now, even in the midst of all the holiday craziness (only 9 shopping days left!!!), and that this wonderful feeling of Christmas will stay with you all year.
I miss being a part of everything at The Fish, but am treasuring this time with Dallas. I'll be back with you live sometime in January!