...but the years are short.
My friend Marlo (a very wise mom of 2) told me this recently, and it is so true!!! Dallas is three weeks old now, and he seems to be more like a baby and less like a newborn...my baby boy is already growing up so fast! It's already kind of hard to remember what life was like before his arrival. Here he is snoozing and also enjoying a bath. :-)
D liked his first rain on Monday--I think the sound put him to sleep, and it was nice to be cozy in the house all day while it was rainy and freezing outside. I have also become part of the stroller brigade--I met a mom who lives in my neighborhood who offered some encouragement on getting through all the feedings and the sleeplessness of a new little one.
We are especially grateful this Christmas for our son! I hope that you are enjoying the holidays and getting to spend lots of time with your family and friends. Thank you so much for being a part of our Fish family--we love you and appreciate you.