Dallas is so cute when he lifts his little head! He always looks like he is so surprised, and he tries so hard--doing it again and again.
He also seems like he is trying to crawl and roll over!
It's hard to think back to what life was like before him a mere eight weeks ago, but I do miss sleep, lol. Thankfully, my mom-in-law is coming this weekend, and she is going to take care of him on Friday and Saturday night so I can get more than three hours in a row. As much as I need sleep, it's hard to let anyone else take him--I want to always snuggle with him (baby smell rules!) and hold him.
One thing I've noticed is that when you are on a walk with a kid, people seem much friendlier. I've met lots of people in the neighborhood--before, when it was just me, I would say hi to folks and usually get a blank stare in return or someone that suddenly started fiddling with their ipod.
I was up early with Dallas this morning and watching the pictures of Haiti on the news...my heart breaks for the people there. Even when there aren't disasters happening, people are starving...mothers are burying children because there is simply nothing to eat. And now, with this...it's hard to see how things will turn around. Please pray for Haiti, and please give what you can as we partner with Food for the Poor on Thursday to get immediate relief where it is needed. FFP is already there working, and they have boats that can get supplies to the areas where the roads have been damaged (or where there weren't roads to begin with). Let's show the people in Haiti that God is real, and that help is on the way, and that they are not alone. And please...hug your little ones extra tight tonight and be thankful that they are safe.