Lara Scott



Okay, the sleep deprivation that comes with a new baby is no joke! I love Dallas with all my heart and want to spend every moment with him, but I would actually be okay with seeing a little less of him at 2 a.m. :-) If you have kids, how did you make it through the early months with your sanity intact? Email me at I've never been a napper, but I've been trying lately! My dad-in-law is in town this weekend, so I might be able to grab a nap or two.

Newsboys are previewing their new CD on Facebook! It's called Born Again, and it's going to be out in June.

Did you know that MercyMe's "Word of God Speak" was the #1 Christian song of the past decade? Awesome! Here's to the next 10 years. :-)

Have a fabulous weekend!!! Get ready for the return of the sun!!!