I think about my baby in a situation like what's happening right now in Haiti, and I pray that someone would take care of him if I weren't able to. There are mothers there right now wondering how they will make it through the next hour, let alone the next day, with no water, no food for their babies, and no place to sleep. Please give what you can and help! We are working with Cross International (we have been working with them for years--they are an amazing and trustworthy Christian organization) to get supply kits to Haitian families immediately. Just call 888-979-2009, or go to www.fish959.com. And please pray!
My problems seem so trivial when I think about the earthquake (and they had another aftershock this morning...6.1!!!), but I still have my moments where I break down and cry and just feel overwhelmed. "What Faith Can Do" by Kutless always seems to come on at that moment when I need to be reminded to hold on to my faith and trust that God can work miracles. I hope this song comforts you and reminds you to hang on!
And don't forget to rsvp for our FREE FREE FREE screening of To Save A Life! It's tomorrow night at The Block at Orange. Go to www.fish959.com.
Be careful today! This is supposed to be the craziest day so far with the weather, but it looks like we'll see the sun again on Saturday. :-)