...had his two-month checkup yesterday. He was so brave! He was laughing and cooing and flirting with all the nurses, totally unaware that he was about to get his first round of shots. Although I think mama cried more than he did! If you have kids, how do you handle it when your child suffers something painful? I think about when he gets older...what if someone makes fun of him? I just want to always protect him from everything. But then how will he develop character? My husband and I joke (kind of) about just keeping him in the house for the next 30 years. Email me at lara@thefish959.com.
Love Francesca Battistelli? Franny B's debut album, My Paper Heart, is being re-released as a deluxe edition, complete with an accoustic version of "It's Your Life."
We've got some groovy features on our site, like "Last Played." You can get a list of artist and title of the last 15 songs we've played. If you work in a loud office and you're always missing the names of songs, check it out.
And hang in there--it's almost Friday!!! We have almost made it through this wet and wild week. Hooray!