Lara Scott


Sweet Email

From Jesus, one of our Brainbuster winners. :-)

Just wanted to take the time to thank you and the Fish for giving my Wife (Melissa) and I the Weekend to Remember package.
Melissa and I just came back from the conference here in Irvine at the Hyatt.
It was a great opportunity to understand what God intended our marriage and relationship to be.
When we get hired by a Company we expect to be trained so that we know what is expected from us.
Why shouldn't we do the same for our Marriage?
God hired us to do a job, whether it is a Husband, Wife, Mother, or Father, we were given the position to fulfill an obligation by God.
A Weekend to Remember was that Training.
Family Life has a great team that presents you with all the tools to have a successful marriage.
Now it doesn't guarantee that you will succeed because that is left up to you and your spouse.

The KEY to building the strong foundation in the marriage is the Vertical relationship.
This weekend was truly a weekend to REMEMBER.