Lara Scott


Helping The Homeless

Melissa called in yesterday and shared how she encountered a homeless man yesterday. The hopeless expression on his face broke her heart, and she stopped to give him some money and speak with him. She requested "The Twenty-First Time" by Monk and Neagle (see the lyrics below), because she realized as she was talking to the man that he could be Jesus in disguise.

After hearing Melissa's story on the air, Loriene shared this:

Hey Lara, just heard that story about the lady giving money to the homeless man. One day around Christmas time last year, I had seen someone sitting near a gas station all covered up. I was compelled to go home and actually make a lunch like I do for my son. I packed a sandwich, chips, juice, fruit snack and cookies. When I came back, I said to him, I'd like to give this to you. When the person revealed himself to me, it was then that I realized it was a woman and not a man. That really broke my heart. God truly is good to me and I thank Him everyday and try to do what I can to bless others. Its blesses me in return just to know that I can make a difference hopefully in their lives.

Thank you for blessing ME each day with your emails and calls, and for being willing to share your heart. And thank you for the small acts of kindness that you do every day, and for blessing people you don't even know. Together we can change the world!

Lyrics to "The Twenty-First Time"/Monk and Neagle:

Nowhere to live

Nowhere to fall

He used to have money

But he's wasted it all

His face is a photograph burned in my mind

But I pretend not to see him for the twenty-first time

He sleeps under stars, it's all he can afford

His blanket's an old coat he's had since the war

He stands on the corner of Carter and Vine

But I pretend not to see him for the twenty-first time

He may be a drifter who's grown old and gray

But what if it's Jesus and I walk away

I say I'm the body and drink of the wine

But I pretend not to see him for the twenty-first time

She's 29 but she feels 48

She can't raise three kids on minimum wage

She's crying in back of the welfare line

But I pretend not to see her for the twenty-first time

She may be a stranger trying to get through the day

But what if it's Jesus and I walk away

I say I'm the body and drink of the wine

But I pretend not to see her for the twenty-first time

This is a call for a change in my heart

I realize that I've not been doing my part

When I needed a Savior, I found it in Him

He gave to me, now I'll give back to them

Drifter or stranger, daughter or son

I'll look for Jesus in everyone

'Cause I am the body and drink of the wine

And I'm thankful there's more than the twenty-first time