Lara Scott



Q: Almost 40% of moms say they observe this rule at their house. What?

Hint: It's a rule that deals with food...and a certain amount of time. :-)

When you hear me give the B-buster on the air at 1:15 p.m., CALL your guess in to 1-866-FISH-959. If you're the first person to answer correctly, you win a gift certificate to Flightdeck Air Combat Center in Anaheim. Click here for more info on this state-of-the-art flight simulator:

A: THE 5-SECOND RULE!!! If you can pick up food that's fallen on the floor in 5 seconds or less, it's still good to eat. Although that's challenging at our house, since there is cat hair everywhere, no matter how much I swiffer!!! Congrats to Brianna in Buena Park, who is so excited to be sending her dad to Flightdeck for Father's Day.