Lara Scott


Man Scar

Well, it finally happened.

Baby Dallas got his first cut.  !!!

You can see it above his right eye in the picture.  You can also see that he was feeling a bit better a few hours later.  :-)

My mom was watching him last week, and the details are a bit murky as far as what happened.  I was on my way back from the gym when I got a frantic text, and rushed right home.

If you have kids, you probably know that feeling when you find out your baby is hurt.  I wasn't sure whether to cry, throw up, pass out, or all of the above. 

Thankfully, the cut looked worse than it actually was--no stitches required ("Is there a silvery white layer of skin showing?" asked the nice nurse when I called the doc.), and it narrowly missed his eye.

Would it be wrong to put him in a protective helmet for the next few years?  :-)

I wanted to share this kind email from Kathi, a wonderful lady I know as "Jakob's Nan."  I absolutely love hearing stories about her precious grandson, who is now in the arms of Jesus, and I hope this one makes you smile.

Oh Lara! I am so sorry about Dallas' cut on his eye! I hope he is ok!

But..... I had to smile when I heard you share about it and chuckle a

bit..... that first time your child is hurt and the incredible

protective instinct that takes over.

The Lord has witnessed me ENTIRELY REVAMPING things in my house so it

NEVER happens again! Hahaha!

Jakob enjoyed those changes to my home to make it Jakob proof! My house

was custom made for HIM! How funny is that! But all my other beauties

(4 other granddaughters) benefit from it too!

God Bless little Dallas and his sweet tears.... Hope he feels

better....oh! And one more benefit he has a "man scar"!

That's what we told Jakob ...he was "Rocky". Then Jakob would say "cut

me Mick, cut me!" like in the movie Rocky and then he would laugh at his

wound and be proud of it cuz he was tough!