Lara Scott


Paging Dr. Bear

I wanted to give you a quick update on what's happening, and just thank you a million times over for your kindness and prayers for me, Dj, and Baby Dallas.

Dallas's fever was close to 104 again this morning,  and his bloodwork was starting to look worse, so the docs decided to go ahead and start treating him for Kawasaki disease.  The news was delivered by a doc that my husband has named McDreamy.

"Wow!  Look at that hair!" he said as McD left.

The staff here has just been wonderful, btw. Thank you for praying for guidance for the folks treating our little guy.  One of the nurses brought him a little stuffed bear dressed in scrubs, and Dallas has been clinging to him.

The treatment for Kawasaki is I.V.I.G.  (again, please excuse my spelling and lack of knowledge of medical stuff) for 12 hours, along with high doses of aspirin.  We are almost six hours in now, and Dallas is whimpering a little less, cooling off a bit, and actually said "Dada" for the first time in days.  It looks like his fever is down to 101 now.

Praise God!

You know, I took a break from all of this today for a moment, and the first two songs I heard on The Fish were Praise You In This Storm and How He Loves.  Thank you, Lord, for the reminder that you are good, you have not turned away from Dallas,  and oh, how you love us.

One of my sweet friends spent years in and out of the hospital with her daughter, and she told me today that one thing that really helped her was sharing her faith and comforting other parents that were going through the same thing.

So I want to ask you if you would do something for me.

Once things calm down over here, would you send anyone that you know in a similar situation my way?

I would love to pray for them and encourage them.

Just a week into this whole thing, I am also  realizing how much time I have spent on work and just being "crazy busy," almost wearing that as a badge of honor.

It hasn't taken much to convince me, really convince me, that I never want to look back one day and feel like I could have spent more time with the people I love, but chose not to.

As the guys in Revive sing in the song Blink:  "When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters, is how we have loved."

I'm going to look for ways to simplify my life, and pray that, if you are longing for more time with those you love, that God would make a way for that to happen.

I've been reading the Bible on my phone here at the hospital ( is a wonderful site), and also reading Mary Beth Chapman's (wife of Steven Curtis) beautiful book, Choosing To See.  There are some incredible quotes in there that I"ll be sharing with you over the next few days, and I wanted to start with this one from Philip Yancy:  "A person who lives in faith must proceed on incomplete evidence, trusting in advance what will only make sense in reverse."

And one day we really will see the whole picture, and understand the things that are on our hearts tonight.

I love you, and I"ll be in touch soon.