Lara Scott


A Natural Healing Center

Perhaps you can relate to the past few years, I've started to feel like I"m "winding down." You know, kind of slow and tired and foggy. I drag myself out of bed (even after a somewhat full night of sleep), chug coffee and tea all day, sneeze constantly, and sometimes forget things (like names of friends). I've been playing a commercial for this Shannon Eggleston chick at A Natural Healing Center on my show, and I was pretty intrigued by what she said about cleansing your body and looking at food as medicine. I've really shifted to more of a "live food" diet (lots of fresh fruit, veggies, brown rice) recently, so I was hoping to hear that I'm on the right track and maybe find out how to get more energy and get rid of my allergies. Well, I met Shannon yesterday and she is awesome!!! She did this groovy muscle testing on me, and I found out that I'm allergic to corn, soy, wheat, and cow dairy (goodbye, cheese...I'll miss you), and that I've got some thyroid and adrenal issues going on. I got a natural supplement to help with my allergies, which I started today. I"m excited to incorporate all of her suggestions, but a little scared, too--the things I'm allergic to are things I crave all the time! No wonder I'm tired and always reaching for a soy latte (goodbye, soy latte...hello, rice milk latte). I'll let you know how it goes! If you'd like to get in touch with Shannon, the number is 714-928-6588, and her excellent site is There are all these articles and newsletters (full of nutrition advice) that you can check out.