Lara Scott



I understand more than ever now that I"m a mom how amazing every mom is!  And if you are a single mom, I want to tell you that I admire you so much.  Moms are beautiful, special, giving, loving, kind, and STRONG, and I hope that you are celebrated this weekend for everything  you do.  I used to think it was strange when I would ask a mom what she wanted for Mom's Day, and she would tell me that she wanted a quiet day to herself where she didn't have to do anything for anyone.  I was always like, don't you want to be with your family?  Now I"m like, give me a few hours to nap and read and Mama will be good, lol.  :-)  Btw...check out this new pic of Dallas at 24 weeks.  Tell me he doesn't look like he is going to be into EVERYTHING very soon!!!!

THANK YOU so much for your amazing response yesterday!  You called and gave online to World Concern, and because of that:

75,112 Children will receive the 44cent Cure

110 wells will be dug
385 latrines

PRAISE GOD!!!  That is not a typo...over 75 THOUSAND children will be changed forever by what YOU did yesterday.  We rejoice over one life changed...this is truly a miracle.  And if you weren't able to give yesterday because the site went down, it should be all good now.   You can find that link in yesterday's blog, or on our homepage at

Have a GLORIOUS weekend!  Happy Mother's Day!