Lara Scott



I was fortunate enough to see Letters To God over the weekend, and I want to encourage you to see it as soon as you can.  Don't be scared to read my review!  I won't give anything away, I promise.  :-)

My son Dallas and I pray every night, and my prayer is always that he would grow up to be a kind boy who loves God with all his heart. 

Tyler, the main character in Letters To God, is a child who is fearless in sharing his faith and loving others.  In fact, he is the kind of person that I would like to be. 

The thing that  makes Tyler even more amazing is that he has cancer, but he faces each day with hope. 

If you are a parent, you will sob your way through Letters To God, but leave feeling uplifted and encouraged.  And this is a wonderful movie for children, too--there are some really funny scenes, and I can totally see showing it to Dallas in a few years (he is six months now) and having a conversation about faith, caring for others, and cancer.  Maybe he will even decide on his own to do something to help sick children?  I truly think that so many hearts and lives will be changed by this movie.  And to take back the arts for use moviemaking to reach folks with a message of faith, hope, and love....well, that is just awesome, and I hope there are more movies like this.

And if you are battling cancer, please know you are in our prayers.  If you go to, you can find support.  And please let us know exactly how we can pray for you here at The Fish by emailing me at

I hope you had a wonderful Mama's Day Weekend!  My hubby made french toast yesterday, and then I went to church, the gym, and a massage.  We also took Dallas to his first movie, and he did great!!!  He slept a bit in his carseat, and then had a bottle, and bounced on our legs.  There was one quiet moment where he let out a huge burp, which was a little awkward, lol.  :-)