Lara Scott



Okay, we know that MercyMe writes incredible songs.  BUT...did you know this band also has a HUGE heart?  They are on a huge tour right now and super busy, but they found time to host a breakfast this morning at Rockwell's Bakery for our Listener Lovewells, collect canned food donations, and then serve lunch at the OC Rescue Mission!!!!!  AND they will playing at Long Beach Arena tonight.  Please remind me to never complain that I am busy ever again.  :-)

And speaking of our Listener Lovewells...we did a whole contest where we asked you to nominate the person in your life who loves well.  I was feeding Dallas his rice cereal this morning and listening to the broadcast with tears in my eyes.  Yes, now that I'm a mom I cry at everything, but our winners (and everyone nominated) are truly amazing.  One gal that had a rough childhood has founded a Single Moms Ministry to give much-needed support to moms and kids.  Isn't that amazing how God took her pain and is now using her to bless so many other people?  He will do the same for  YOU.  God bless all of you!

And btw...if you were following us on Twitter ( you would have gotten some updates and Twit Pics on our big day with MercyMe.  :-)

To puree or not to puree....that is how my friend Jodi put it when I asked about making your own baby food, which my hubby wants "us" to do for Dallas.  Here's what Jodi said about her experience:

That is too funny about making your own baby food. I had grand thoughts of doing that...before Calvin was born. I found some organic baby food at the health food stores and I would buy that which was like making it, since it was pure, but saved a lot of time. We had a friend who would puree whatever they were having for dinner (steak, potatoes, carrots - whatever) and give it to the baby. He grew up not a picky eater, so I guess it works.
And Carol shared this:

Had to laugh when I heard your request for advice on this

I did both. On child #1 - every weekend I steamed or microwaved carrots and spaghetti squash and various veggies. I even pureed turkey breasts for my daughter. I would freeze the puree in ice cube trays and that made it easy to transport to the baby sitter too.
The pros: My daughter loved it and it felt good to be providing her the wholesome homemade food.
The cons: She turned her nose up at any veggies or meat out of the jar - which made "picnic" lunches on the go a bit difficult.
On child #2 - I was still a working mom and just knew that it wasn't an option. To tell you the truth my son ended up being a healthier eater and less afraid of veggies than my daughter. Go figure!
Whatever you choose, time spent feeding our babies is always precious - enjoy!
That is so true!  Thank you, Carol and Jodi!  I love hearing YOUR stories, so please email anytime:

Saturday is the Hallelujah Jubilee at Six Flags Magic Mountain!  Britt Nicole, Thousand Foot Krutch, and Relient K will be performing.  Here's a link for ticket info: