Lara Scott



I just got this from one of our listeners:

Would love it if you could ask any prayer warriors you know to pray for my sister-in-law's ex-husband. I'm praying that God softens his heart and opens his eyes to the pain and damage he's causing to her and their kids.

Would you keep this family in prayer today?  It's Easter, and as we celebrate all things being made new, we pray that God would touch this man's heart and give this family a new way of relating.  God softened my heart after years of rebellion, so I can say that miracles do still happen.

Grace Baptist Church in Santa Clarita has a Passion Play that is on through Saturday.  And Big Wave Dave will be there Saturday!  Check out for details.

Are you a Facebook friend of The Fish?  Pamela listens to us online in Mississippi and posted the cutest note on our wall:  "I like y'all."  We love you, Pamela!!!

Am I the only one whose allergies are going NUTS?  My babysitter asked me if I was okay because my eyes were red and I kept blowing my nose!

What are your plans for Easter?  Maybe a Maundy Thursday service today, a Good Friday service tomorrow, or a Sunrise Service on Sunday?  Email me at