Lara Scott



We have the kindest listeners in the world, and we are so blessed.  Yvonne sent this after hearing me talk about Matt from Sanctus Real.  He and his wife just found out that their son has a heart defect, and Yvonne's son, Bryce, has had numerous surgeries on his heart. 


Just heard you mention a family that found out their newborn has heart defects.  Let them know that there are families out there who have been through want they are going through. Let them know there are many heart groups out there...saving little hearts, mended little hearts, and groups on facebook. They are not alone in this. Remember my Bryce had his third heart surgery July 6, 2009 and is doing great.
Will you keep Matt's family, and Yvonne and Bryce, in your prayers?  Thank you for joining with me in prayer for healing and health and peace for all of them. 

It seems like Haiti has really faded from the headlines lately, but the need is still great after the earthquake.  Our wonderful friend Sydney from Food For The Poor is joining us tomorrow to share how we can help rebuild Haiti.  I think this is such an exciting opportunity, because we know that Food For The Poor is an organization that we can completely trust--the money that you donate will go where help is needed the most, as FFP partners with local churches to make a difference.  Will you pray about what you can do to help tomorrow?  We are asking God for a true miracle...that hearts would be touched and lives would be changed tomorrow.

Are you following us on Twitter?  We'll have lots of announcements about Fishfest between now and June 12th, and if you follow us you'll never miss out on anything.  :-)

If you have kids, I bet you really notice how fast time goes by!  Dallas, who is five months now, grabbed his pacifier yesterday and popped it in his mouth all by himself, which  made me cry.  I was like, he doesn't even need his mommy anymore!

I hope you are having an amazing day!!!