Lara Scott



...that I sampled Dallas's baby food and LIKED it?  He was really enjoying some organic Apples, and I thought I would try a spoonful.  YUM!!!!  Why buy and wash the fruits and veggies, when I can just enjoy them already made, lol!  Did you ever do this with YOUR kids?

Matthew West had a birthday last weekend, and he asked his Twitter followers to guess his age.  Well, the guesses ranged from 17-57.  :-)  His actual age?  33!  You can follow The Fish on Twitter:

I heard a story about a mom who heard a tragic story involving a child.  She literally screamed out to God, "Why don't you DO something?"  What she heard back was, "Why don't YOU do something?"  So she started an orphanage!!!  What can YOU do today?  Maybe you can sponsor Thomas, who is 3 (b-day is March 19) and lives in Zambia, through World Vision.  You can see his bio when you click the World Vision banner on our homepage to see his precious picture and read his bio.  Look at his little soccer jersey...look at his little furrowed brow...and maybe you will be moved to change his life.  And if you can't, please pray that someone will.