Lara Scott



Our sermon yesterday was about Jesus walking on the water. 

When you look at these verses in John, Jesus says 2 things to the disciples when He comes to them on the stormy lake.

I've been trying to really picture what was happening as I read my Bible lately, whether that is someone's dusty feet or the hair whipping around a running woman.

Let me digress for a moment:  Here are the disciples, out on a lake, where it's pitch black (no glow from city lights to even give a hint of safety), the wind is howling, and the waters are rough.  (I get seasick on the ride to Catalina, so thinking of their little boat being tossed around makes me queasy).  The last they saw of Jesus, He had retreated to a mountain for some quiet time.  Surprise!

So, back to what Jesus said.  He approached the boat, walking on the water, and calmly said:  "It is I; don't be afraid."

Are you in a storm today?  Even if you are not, there could be one in the forecast soon.  I just found out that my hubby is going to be doing TONS of work that will take him away from Dallas and me for a long, long, time.  What are you struggling with?  I believe that God says the same thing to us now, in the midst of our pain, loneliness, sickness, fear, anger, and uncertainty:  "It is I; don't be afraid."

He is here with you. He is here with me.  Now. 

I know that maybe just hearing that doesn't make everything suddenly better, but I pray that it does give you the courage to stand.  And to maybe do the next thing, which could be as simple as making a phone call or fixing something to eat. 

I hope that the  music here on The Fish reminds you of this truth.  God is here...He is who He says He is...dont be scared. 

And please let us know how we can pray for you.