Lara Scott



...for all of your advice and encouragement! I just got this email from Robin:

I don't usually read blogs but I read yours today about your darling son having a melt down in the car while you were driving. I remember those days with my kids (who are 12 and 9) and they will be fine, it is us who have the harder time. You will know his crys and know if he is in disstress or just hungry.
I also loved the sleep deprived blog. I was not a napper and am still not a napper. Sleep will come before you know it and you will be saying to yourself and husband, he is sleeping through the night, does he still need me? I better check on him. I miss those days. Enjoy the 2:00am wake up call, it all ends so fast.
Robin, God bless you and thank you!!!

When we went in for our month checkup, our doc mentioned the dreaded word: COLIC!!!! I have heard that it actually goes away around 3 months, so we are almost there. And we are getting more smiles and laughs all the time. :-) I think the hardest part of being a new mom has been to love someone so much and have absolutely no idea what to do to comfort them. I can't wait for him to start talking so he can tell me!!!

Dallas has also discovered his hands, and seems to be fascinated by his fist! He will hold it out in front of him and just stare with an expression of awe and wonder. He has no interest in toys, but loves this. :-)

I'm so excited to play some AMAZING new music for you today! How 'bout David Crowder Band, MercyMe, Sanctus Real, and Matthew West?! Happy Wednesday!

I also heard a great story about "Free To Be Me" by Francesca Battistelli. She backed into an attorney's car, and she wrote this song to cheer herself up, hence the "I've got a couple dents in my fender" line. I hope this song encourages YOU today!