Lara Scott



Have you entered the contest yet?  Nominate the most giving person you know, and the two of you might get to spend some quality time with MercyMe next week.  :-)  I am blessed to know so many wonderful people that give so much:  My friend Corina started a Skid Row ministry at her friend Alena takes in special needs foster children...BWD sponsors so many World Vision kids....Malinda works with the kids at her church.....I could go on and on. Check out the Station Events section of the site for all the details/rules/etc.

Dallas is nineteen weeks, and about to start crawling!  How did you babyproof the house?  I thought we would get a few covers for our outlets and move the knives up high in the kitchen, but not so much--I've got a sheet that has info on the front and back in tiny print of everything we need to do!  We are starting this weekend.

There's a Jeremy Camp interview in our Music News section, and it's so sweet!  He says that his dream duet partner is his wife, Adrienne.  :-)  He would also like to sing with Steven Curtis Chapman!  We would LOVE to hear that. 

It's been said that nobody walks in LA, but that's not true!  Shelly is taking a lunchtime walk from Manhattan Beach to Redondo Beach.  What are you up to while you listen?  Let me know at  so I can give you a shout on the air!  And thanks for making The Fish a part of your day.