Lara Scott



How fun does THAT sound?!  When I was a kid, I was sent to a camp in Georgia where we spent a lot of time sitting at picnic tables, carving things in them.  :-)  Toby runs a music camp for youth called Camp Electric, and you can read all about it at

Do you keep your big ol' to-do list on your phone?  I do, because I'm constantly adding things to it.  But...I accidentally erased it!  After the initial panic subsided, it felt kind of freeing.  I was able to remember the important stuff and put it on a new list (this time I also am putting it in my dayplanner, lol), and I realized that a lot of things I thought I had to do aren't necessary right now.  I think I'm so used to being busy and Type A that I tend to clutter my life with "stuff."  But now, with Dallas, I am learning to let so much of that go and be happy in the moment.  He is just a baby, but he has already taught me so much.  Here's to a relaxing day and a FUN weekend!

And don't forget about the extra Half-Price Deal Of The Week, a.k.a. The Big Wave Dave Blue Plate Special.  Today at 5, you can get restaurant gift certificates to Gulliver's (Creamed Corn--Yum!!!)!!!  Click here for more: